Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Understanding The Basic Types Of Golf Clubs

For those new to golf, it can seem ridiculous to need 14 different clubs just to smack a ball enough times to get it to the end of the course. However, as you play the game more and more you will begin to see that all of the different types of golf clubs will almost certainly come in handy quite often.

Here I will outline some of the most important key things that you need to understand about golf clubs. After you understand these, you can start to perfect you own ability to choose the best club to use at any point in the game. This, along with a powerful and accurate swing, is how you can begin to win more and more games.

The first type of golf club is a wood. To the contrary of what the name suggests, the heads are not made out of wood. Usually woods are made out of hollow metal, usually steel or titanium. They are designed to allow for the greatest distance with each stroke. Out of the 14 clubs in a standard set, the woods make up less than half.

They are usually used on the long and straight portions of the golf course, since they allow for the greatest distance with semi-decent accuracy. The accuracy is certainly not the strong point of the woods, and usually it takes plenty of practice to be able to keep the ball on a straight course. Woods are also the longest clubs in the set.

Irons come next, and they are used most frequently throughout the game. They are very versatile compared to the other two types of clubs, and therefore make up a larger amount of the clubs in your bag. They can still achieve fairly large distances, though not quite as far as the woods can. Depending on which particular iron you use, you can have a much higher level of accuracy and get the ball a lot closer to where you want it to be. There are many different kinds of irons that have very specific uses, such as those that are meant to get you out of the sand traps or pop the ball up over an obstacle.

The final type of golf club is the putter, and a standard golf bag usually only contains one of these. These are used on the putting green at the end of the course, or in other parts of the course that require delicate accuracy. They are meant to be the clubs with the shortest distance and the highest accuracy, usually only going a few yards to the target.

Balls hit with putters are not meant to fly up in the air. Rather, they are just pushed lightly along the ground where they will roll gently to the target. Putting is arguably the most important part of the game, so it is a good idea to get a nice putter and practice a bunch with it.

These 3 types of clubs are the basis for the game of golf. When you begin to start recognizing when you should use a wood or an iron, that is when you are beginning to get a hang for the game. Until then, you will just have to practice all you can with the golf clubs that you have.

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Monday, February 20, 2012

Things To Consider When In The Market For Golf Clubs

The golf club market is a strange phenomenon. Every year, new models of clubs come out that every golfer in the world drools over. They are still just sticks with chunks of the same material attached to the end, but golfers always feel the need to upgrade and find higher quality sticks.

However, if you avoid falling into this mindset you will find that you are much happier (and probably a bit richer). When you decide that you want your own golf clubs, it is best to step back and take a look at your situation in a way that will let you determine what you really need to spend your money on. Consider some of the following things, and decide for yourself whether you want to spend money on the more expensive clubs or if you’d rather just get some older, more reliable, and cheaper clubs.

First, consider how serious you are about golfing. Are you looking to become a professional golfer, or do you just go out on the weekend with your buddies? If you are still a beginner, then there is almost no reason in the world for you to spend money on deluxe golf clubs, even if you someday plan to be a pro.

By buying the high-end golf clubs and skipping beyond your own abilities, you are cheating yourself out of the valuable learning that the other clubs can offer you. So keep within your ability range (if you have lower ability, you will be happy to find that you will have to pay a lower price for your clubs), and if you find that you are still seriously progressing, you may upgrade in the future.

Next you will want to think about how often you golf. If you golf every day, then you will find that it is worth it to pay extra for golf clubs that have a higher durability and lifespan. However, some of the high-end graphite clubs are known for everything but their durability, so you don’t want to mistake costliness for quality.

If you stick with a good old set of steel clubs, you are not likely to have to replace them anytime soon. Steel clubs are also stiffer, so if you have a faster swing then you would probably want to go with them anyways. No matter what you choose, you will want to take it out and take a few swings with it before you commit to buying it.

So if the more expensive golf clubs aren’t all that great, why do people spend such obscene amounts of money on them? The truth is that if you have the skill level required to handle some of the more expensive clubs, it could pay off. They are designed to be very unforgiving and unfriendly to amateurs, instead rewarding the skill and accuracy that comes with years of practice.

So if you are a beginner golfer who is buying an expensive new set of golf clubs, you are most likely shooting yourself in the foot. Stick with cheaper, more forgiving clubs, no matter what the most popular golfing magazines tell you. If you don’t believe that the more expensive clubs will hinder your game, borrow one and try it for a few shots. See how it affects your game.

Rather than taking any advice you read in golf magazines, on the internet, or even here, you would do best to go out and talk to some of your golfing buddies. See what they recommend, and have them study your strokes to see if they have any suggestions based on your unique playing style. Go to the club stores and try out as many clubs as you can before deciding on one.

This will ensure the best results, since you will have personal experience with every golf club that you will be choosing from. This is much better than being completely clueless and choosing simply based on the statistics that you are given.

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